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The purpose of Perchloroethylene

Rebain NL

The solvent perchloroethylene, also familiar as tetrachloroethylene, is commonly applied in dry cleaning solvents. This chemical is a solvent to dissolve oils, waxes, and greases, in which it does not affect the fabric itself. The individuals who use this product either work within the cleaning industry, for degreasing metals, and who use it to provide other chemicals. However, it is a dangerous product, that is why, we enable that this product reaches your company the safest as possible.

Perchloroethylene, also well known as PCE or PERC in the chemical industry. Perc is a colorless solvent and is a nonflammable liquid solvent. Along with this, it has a mild, chloroform-like order. A few of the following applications include: paint removers, glues, polishes, and printing inks.

Within the dry cleaning, tetrachloroethylene is worldwide fast solution for a cleaning process which does not cause damage to the fabric. Besides that, even though that it does not damage the fabric it is as well a powerful stain-remover which is therefore very beneficial and efficiently. Especially, in this era whereas many clothes are being used more than ones, in for example the vintage industry.

Companies within the automotive, aerospace, and household appliance industry require Perchloroethylene as well. These companies are in need for this solvent that involves a higher boiling point than water, to degrease for metal parts. The reason why this is beneficial is that this creates a more efficient way of washing.

Perchloroethylene is a predominant product as a chemical solvent for rubber, fabric finishes, as well as silicones. Although, it is also a significant solvent for printing inks and paint removers. For this part, it is of up most important to use the right amount of perchloroethylene. For the reason to determine the flash point, due to that this product in the production process is used prior to selling.

Since its diverse application, numerous product grades are relevant. As Rebain International, we provide the Perchloroethylene 99.9%, which is beneficial within the dry cleaning industry. We offer this Tetrachloroethene in various packaging sizes, such as in bulk, 300kgs, 330kgs drums, and 25kgs polycans.

Last but not least, we also supply supplemental solvents for the dry cleaning industry. The first one is hydrocarbon solvent, which is suitable for hydrocarbons machinery. This chemical solvent enables to dissolve all organic content, such as food, oil and greases, paints, and stains. For the dry cleaning industry Rebain International also offers Acetic Acid 80% textile grade, Citric Acid, Formic Acid, and Hydrogen Peroxide.

If your company is interested to proceed into the dry cleaning industry or is already active, feel free to reach out and discover if Perchloroethylene or its equivalents are the solvents that you require!


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